Each time you donate to Lambeth Action for Youth you are contributing to making an everlasting and positive impact to the lives of our young people, their families and the community. Our groundbreaking work wouldn't be possible without your generosity.
Please click on the image above to make a donation through our Local Giving page. Thank you!
You can fundraise for Lambeth Action for Youth through various methods such as sponsored runs, community events, and car boot sales etc. which will make a huge difference to the lives of our young people. Setting up a fundraising page with Localgiving is quick, easy and 100% free!
Please click on the image above to set up your own personal fundraising page with Localgiving.

Volunteers play a significant part of Lambeth Action for Youth's success. Whether you're looking to strengthen your CV, gain experience for your future career or simply have a desire to give back to the community, we will be happy to offer you the opportunity to volunteer with us.
We provide induction and training to all volunteers as well as regular support and supervision. In return for your time, Lambeth Action for Youth will offer specific training courses for your personal development and the essentials that you will need to exceed in your role.
Applicants interested in volunteering must be 16 years or above. Those who are applying for volunteer work involving direct contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults are subject to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Lambeth Action for Youth, please complete the contact form below.